Monday, December 21, 2009

"There should be a law, I thought. If you support a war, if you think it's worth the price, that's fine, but you have to put your own precious fluid on the line. You have to head for the front and hook up with an infantry unit and help spill the blood. And you have to bring along your wife, or your kids, or your lover. A law I thought (p.42)" This really touches me. I am anti-war. I believe no one should be forced to go fight for their country. For the people who have never served that talk about the war saying they support it. They have no right to say that they want the war unless they have felt what it's like to be soldier and fight in war. They don't know all the sacrifice and basically hell they are putting someone through. If they had fought I know they would not be wishing that upon anyone. No one should have to put their lives on the line. For the people that do choose to, I look up to you. I don't quite understand why someone would want to be a soldier, especially if you have a family back home. But I know that they are men out there that are honored to fight for the government.

Signing off,
Tim O' Brien